NAAMA Studios

3D Tattoo Removal Animation

About project

"NAAMA Studios is the only full-stack tattoo removal brand in the world and home of the revolutionary LightSense™ laser. Forget everything you thought you knew about laser tattoo removal. Painful treatments? Skin-damage? Waiting years to see your finished results? Not at NAAMA."

That's how NAAMA introduces themselves. Exciting, right? Okay but now that we all want to remove our unwanted tattoos, we start to wonder how does the tattoo removal process *actually* work? How does the ink get removed from the body? That's when we step in to help explain the process using beautiful on-brand 3D animation.

Motion design

The brief

NAAMA commissioned us to create two of the same animations - one vertical and one horizontal. To achieve this, the original animation was created using a square format and afterwards cut to the desired dimensions.

The goal was to create an animation that explained the complex tattoo removal process in a simple way yet without omitting any of the important processes that happen within our body during the procedure. At the same time, we had to remember the brand values which follow the idea that tattoos aren't bad - we remove them to make space for new tattoos or simply because we might be bored of them. NAAMA offers an empowering, empathetic, high-tech tattoo clearing experience. The animation had to reflect that.

Thank you, team!

Creative Director: Ahmad Rifaie

3D Generalist: Sasha Shxshcxsh

Creative Producer: Natalia Raben

Motion Designer: Ahmad Rifaie