Studio Lumos
The art direction for an upcoming art gallery focused on bringing artists into light and out of obscurity.
The brand identity focuses on a minimal, contemporary style and uses the sunburst and radiant motif as the inspiration for illumination.

Business cards serve as another method of marketing. The cards were created with a sleeve design that allows for different examples of the artwork displayed in the gallery to be showcased in an approachable and bite-sized form.
This also gives a sense of spontaneity and variety as every business card has a different artwork along with it. This creates a connection between the receiver and the artwork, making the business cards a keepsake and a reminder of the galleries’ presence.
Digital Gallery
For the digital gallery, the concept was to echo the values of the art gallery of putting the works in the forefront. As a result, in contrast to physical galleries where the areas are generally well-lit, this digital platform allows the user to come up close and see detailed shots of the pieces. So, the concept was to only allow sources of light and illumination to come from the artworks themselves and only the areas with artwork would light up the gallery. This creates an atmospheric and warm tone for the gallery as only the works are highlighted in the dark.